Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Complications Associated With Diabetes Mellitus ( Dm )

Abstract This paper explores the complications associated with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) including altered tissue perfusion. Altered tissue perfusion occurs as a result of DM and can cause many complications such as diabetic foot ulcers. Although altered tissue perfusion is not the only cause of ulcers, it contributes to the acceleration and degeneration of tissue once an ulcer forms. This paper also covers nursing diagnoses, individualized nursing interventions, patient and treatment goals as well as evaluation of outcomes, associated with an actual patient. I was able to treat a patient with hyperglycemia within my critical care clinical experience. It also covers the psychosocial concepts that influence teaching readiness, growth and†¦show more content†¦Small arteries in diabetic patients experience changes due to increased atherosclerosis. Tissue perfusion depends upon fasting plasma glucose and fasting insulin levels which are also dependent upon how sensitive the patien t is to the insulin. Increased permeability to large molecules such as albumin is increased in diabetes, which can be associated with hyperglycemia (Levy, et al., 2008). Studies have shown patients with type 2 diabetes experience decreased coronary flow which is related to hemoglobin A1C and fasting plasma glucose levels (Marketou, et al., 2008). Mild insulin resistance can also be associated with a decrease in coronary flow. In addition, a decrease in myocardial perfusion in diabetic patients is related to decreased blood flow. An impairment in peripheral circulation leads to ischemia, which is associated with pain in the lower legs called intermittent claudication, which may result in lacerations of the feet (Levy, et al., 2008). Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) can cause thrombosis of the arteries causing tissue death. Gangrene from Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can lead to amputations beginning in the toes and moving into the foot (Lemone, Burke, Bauldoff, 2011). Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that has become an epidemic as it effects more and more the population each year. DM is a group of metabolic diseases, stemmed from the Endocrine systems, characterized by hyperglycemia

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